I think I have got the bolognese out of my dress, but not the Bologna out of my head. Before unpacking or doing anything useful, I thought I would turn some doodles from queues to see publishers into a screenprint.
So, sometimes you queue for hours with two pigs and a sausage dog and then the Editor or Art Director says “ISNOTFORUS”, and sometimes you don’t queue at all and they say much more positive things. And this year we had a stand for the MA and the publishers really did come and see us and read our books.
And there were giant Sizos on the wall, and Elena‘s Toucan, and all manner of things.
The fair was even more manic and mind-boggling than last year, but whilst running around the four aircraft hangers between queues, appointments, exhibitions and our stand, I did manage to purchase some beautiful things: I particularly recommend Amiga Gallina which features some very fine willow-pattern cows.