Online gallery Children’s Book Illustration have started selling some of my original screenprints. Six prints for The Girl with the Parrot on her Head (from the same editions as the prints used in the book) are available now – including a few of the soon-to-be-seasonal scootering spread.
Tag: trees
Christmas belated bears
London Sketchbook Challenge
I have put a few of my Tiny houses into this open exhibition (scroll down to London Sketchbook Challenge) at Foyles on Charing Cross Road, because it sounded like a nice project. They asked people to submit sketches of London, but particularly of more obscure/unexpected bits so it shouldn’t be all bridges and gherkins. Below is Finsbury Park. I haven’t been yet but I think they intended to just plaster the gallery walls with little drawings. It’s on until the 12th of August.
The Runaway Baby
Here’s one of the spreads I entered in the Macmillan Prize (see Pigs win prizes), there’s another on the Llamas page. I best do some more now.
And here are all the winning and commended Cambridge students with tutors Pam Smy and Martin Salisbury (both on left) at the opening:
Parrot-head is done
Well not really done as in finished, but I handed the prints and a dummy book in for marking. I’ll put a couple more prints on the Persons page. I think a smidgen of winter might be appropriate some time soon, so here is a print showing the seasonal weather which currently we do not have:
I also made some bags with birds and yo-yos or monsters on, to raise money for our stand at the Bologna bookfair. Don’t really know what to do for my next thing, I will need a New Plan.