Dulwich Books has a system

To celebrate the release of The Girl with the Parrot on her Head in paperback, the lovely Dulwich books have put Isabel and her system, and the WOLF in their window:Dulwich Books window
I am extremely grateful, again, for the amazing scalpel work performed on this display by the design team at Walker Books. Hmm, I wonder if I will get to design any monster windows when ALPHONSE, THAT IS NOT OK TO DO! is loosed in March…

The girl, dem papagei, le loup

I was quite thrown by the appearance last week of The Girl with the Parrot on her Head as a REAL BOOK – there seem to be a lot of milestones in this process but this one made me feel quite giddy. Here’s Walker’s picture of the three editions:
My first book in Eglish, French and German
The book will be published on February 5th by Walker, Albin Michel (France) and Aladin (Germany), and a year later by Candlewick (USA). It’s amazing to me, and funny, to see the translations and the differences between them – lamely I am having to get friends to help me with the French and German, but both seem to have been really nicely done. Yikes it is just really exciting.

The German “Enten, Hula Hoop” box necessitated this drawing for twitter:












And a most excellent response too.

My family and other bears

As was once firmly established on a placemat in Antepliler, there are all manner of bears. Some bears have mullets, for example, whilst some others are almost spherical. Here is my family as bears, I am the stumpy one:
My family as bearsAs I understand it, there are also a number of geese. We know from Sesame Street that some geese live with mooses, but I think some do most likely also live with bears:
Goose and Bear on mowing and uncertaintyBear and GooseGoose and Bear growing a thing
Possibly this is next?
wolf running on barrels