Published today: Hamish takes the train!

Hamish takes the train is the story of a bear who wants to see the world and of his friend Noreen, a goose. It’s about trains and cranes and friendship and pizza and is available now from Two Hoots Books.

This book has been many years in the making – it took us a long time to decide how I should make the illustrations and in the end they look quite different to the screenprints in my other books. Hamish is illustrated with pencil drawings and black ink washes, coloured and assembled in photoshop. There are more images of the book and of the processes behind it on my Instagram but here is a gif of the layers building up and a picture of some of the ink washes:

My family and other bears

As was once firmly established on a placemat in Antepliler, there are all manner of bears. Some bears have mullets, for example, whilst some others are almost spherical. Here is my family as bears, I am the stumpy one:
My family as bearsAs I understand it, there are also a number of geese. We know from Sesame Street that some geese live with mooses, but I think some do most likely also live with bears:
Goose and Bear on mowing and uncertaintyBear and GooseGoose and Bear growing a thing
Possibly this is next?
wolf running on barrels