In Hamish takes the train, Hamish and Noreen like to watch the trains. But, when Hamish suggests they catch one and see the city, Noreen is not keen. Hamish sets off on his own for exciting adventures, new friends and even a job on a building site. Only, he can’t help thinking about Noreen…
Hamish takes the train is published in the UK by Two Hoots Books, and is available in hardback or paperback from your local independent bookshop,, Blackwells, Foyles, Waterstones or wherever you get your books. In the US, Hamish is now available from Candlewick Press, who have published all my books so far.
This book was many years in the making – it took us a long time to decide how I should make the illustrations and in the end they look quite different to the screenprints in my other books. Hamish is illustrated with pencil drawings and black ink washes, coloured and assembled in photoshop. There are more images of the book and of the processes behind it on my Instagram but here are a gif of the layers building up in one picture and a picture of some of the ink washes:
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