The Nature

Recently I went to Finland with Becky to see the moomins and their house. Apparently, Finland also has wolves – luckily I did not know this or I might have stayed home and looked for a man with a load of bricks. So here is the first of two comics we drew, which tells more or less what happened to us in Helsinki. The next instalment can now be found on Becky’s blog. A few things may be obscure, such as how all brochures and some humans said the Finnish thing was to go and “be in the Nature”, how there were many gigantic inflatable ice-hockey players in Helsinki’s Narinkkatori, and how the wading stanley is an avid philatelist. Oh and the Finnish dinner is not really part of the story.

What happens in the Outer Hebrides

Whilst on holiday in the Small Isles, Inner and Outer Hebrides, I saw a lot of beasts. I did draw them a bit, but mostly retrospectively on napkins, bus timetables etc. This is not exactly what I saw happening on Eriskay – more a kind of summary of the day’s events:
Seal with large kite

I was going to say that the two images below did not represent my recent experiences in this way, but actually, the one on the left pretty much happened last week, except that the mouse himself was not at home when I opened the drawer.
Mouse in drawer and monsters eating a banana etc