LOAf magazine in need

Imagine if there was no comics magazine for 9-12 year-olds called LOAf and all the bread and children in that age group were forced to read just any old comic that might be about frogs or carrots or anything. Well, shockingly, that is happening right now. Fortunately, some illustrators are trying to make a comics magazine called LOAf to up-end this sorry status quo, and while we are waiting for it we can give it some monies to get printed and/or watch a video about animate, literate bread.
Various loaves of bread reading a comicI may or may not end up in LOAf, but some extremely excellent people will be in it, like maybe this one or this one or this one. I am excited and I am not even bread or 9-12 years old.

Oh noo telephone pictionary

Oh dear I started playing online telephone pictionary again, as you can see it is a great use of my time, really advancing my skills and refining my visual language, whilst helping me develop a thesis for my dissertation.

ROAR! Said the angry mastermind duck, and all the other animals were terrified by this well thought out phrase:

telephone pictionary drawing

You can see the full strip if you like. The only thing is I think most people on the site are American – do they have Mastermind there?

Should I deliver this box? or go dancing? or even swimming?

Telephone pictionary drawing
See the full strip.